
Waged Industrial Work

Two images that show women at work in two different settings: at home in an urban tenement and in a factory in the rural South. The images also point to the challenges of working motherhood.

Photograph of mother and daughter standing and working in front of machines in a mill.
Pregnant woman and young girl working in a mill.

Lewis Wickes Hine, Globe Cotton Mill, Augusta, Ga. Woman was “with child.” According to reports, these women work until the day of childbirth. Location: Augusta, Georgia, 1909. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division, Washington, D.C.

Photograph of a mother, her one son, and three daughters working around the table making hose supporters inside their house.
Family working at home.

Photo at 9 P.M. Home of Patrick McGurl (mechanic), 136 Exchange Street, Worcester, Mass. Working on hose supporters. All work, 6-year-old, 8-year-old, 11-year-old, 12-year-old, and mother. Altogether earn about $3 a week. Work noons, after school and every night. A 9-year-old boy (not in photo) carries work back and forth. Heavy loads. Location: Worcester, Massachusetts. Lewis Hine, 1912. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division, Washington, D.C.


The vast majority of women at this time contributed to the family economy through housework. However, the number of women working for wages was steadily increasing. By 1910, one in four women over the age of 14 was paid for her work. A single income could not support most American families. Women in low-income households had to contribute financially. Age, race, ethnicity, class, geography, economic circumstances, and family situation all had an impact on the options available. Women tended to rely on friends and family for references. Such networks were particularly important to newly arrived immigrants and migrants. While a select few might secure skilled jobs, most working women had unskilled jobs in a factory or at home.

Some women—particularly married immigrants—made money doing piece-work. Piece-work involved small, handmade work that could be done at home and dropped off at a factory. This might include sewing small garments, making paper flowers, or rolling cigars. Because a woman was paid for each completed piece, she often recruited her children to help. Women who took in piece-work were almost always still responsible for the management of the household.

Women working in factories faced long hours and dangerous working conditions. Employers required women to work quickly, often without breaks. The work was repetitive, and wages were based on the amount of work produced in a day. Each worker completed one step in the process, and men received more complex tasks. While most female factory workers were young and single, there were married and older workers. A 1911 report on the state of Southern cotton mills noted that almost 29 percent of female cotton mill workers were married. It is likely that married workers still had to manage cooking, cleaning, and children after a long day of work.

Industrial work in the home and in the factory was considered a valued position that was almost exclusively open to white and European immigrant women. Black women and non-European immigrants were excluded from most industrial work. Many of them found paid work in the domestic sector, working as maids, cooks, or laundresses.

About the Image

This pair of images presents two different forms of waged work in the early twentieth century. In the first image, a woman and young girl are at work in the Globe Cotton Mill in Augusta, Georgia. Lewis Hine, the photographer, notes that the woman is “with child,” or pregnant. In the second image, a woman is completing piecework at her home with her children. The family is making hose supporters, which were used to keep men’s socks and women’s stockings—or hose—from slipping down to the ankles.

Lewis Hine was a Wisconsin-born documentary photographer who lived in New York City and took thousands of pictures of immigrants and workers. Between 1907 and 1918, he worked for the National Child Labor Committee and traveled across the country photographing children at work. Although his primary focus was children, many of his images also captured women.


  • documentary photographer: A photographer who takes pictures of what he or she observes in the world.
  • domestic work: Paid work done in someone’s home, including cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children.
  • hose supporters: An article of clothing that kept stockings and socks from falling down before the invention of elastic.
  • National Child Labor Committee: A non-profit organization foun