
Post-War Consumerism

A film and pair of photographs that highlight the intersection of the home and consumerism.

A black and white, 1956 photographic print of a kitchen where two elegantly dressed white women in three-quarter length skirts and heels appear to be cooking, with the woman on the left pointing to the knobs on the elevated electric oven, while the other stirs the contents of a pot on an electric counter cooktop.
Group of Women and Model Kitchens

Joseph Fadler, photographer. Group of Women and Model Kitchens, 1956. Southern California Edison Photographs and Negatives, 06-70834, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California.

A black and white photographic print of the corner of a room where a white woman with three toddlers gathered around a 1950s television chassis. The youngest attempts to turn one of the knobs.
The Most Popular New Appliance in the Postwar Era was the Television

Doug White (photographer), The Most Popular New Appliance in the Postwar Era was the Television, 1956. Southern California Edison Photographs and Negatives, 05-54286, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California.

Shopping Center

Shopping Center, 1958. Moving Images Relating to U.S. Foreign Policy and Foreign Relations, compiled 1911 – 1972. Record Group 59: General Records of the Department of State. National Archives and Records Administration.


The increase in marriages and births after World War II led to a greater demand for homes and items for the home. In the first four years after the war, Americans moved into over one million new homes annually. Spending on furniture and appliances increased by 240%. Each year, American families bought millions of cars, refrigerators, stoves, and televisions. Not everyone could afford the most expensive items. However, data shows that spending on items for the home rose not only among upper- and middle-class families, but also among lower-income families. Most home products were marketed to women. On average, wives made 75% of all the purchases for her family.

Post-war consumerism reflected the traditional values promoted by politicians and popular culture. The American home was at the center of post-war stability. And it was a woman’s duty to create a comfortable and safe home for her husband and children. 

About the Image

The film shows a suburban shopping center. Shopping centers were designed for convenience. Large parking lots accommodated hundreds of families, each with their own car. Many stores together in one place allowed housewives to complete all of their shopping in one quick trip.

These photographs were promotional images for Southern California Edison, an electricity supply company. Southern California Edison promoted electric appliances because homes with more appliances had higher electric bills. Both images present women as the primary consumers and users of home appliances. 

The second image includes a television. The television was one of the most popular home appliances in the 1950s. It replaced the radio as a family’s primary source of entertainment and information. 


  • appliances: A piece of equipment that helps with tasks in the home. 
  • consumerism: A society’s emphasis on purchasing new goods. 
  • housewife: A married woman whose primary responsibility is taking care of the home and family. 
  • post-war: Referring to the period after World War II.
  • shopping center: An indoor or outdoor area with many stores that includes a parking lot for easy access.