
Life Story: Sandra Day O'Connor (1930–2023)

Lawyer, Politician, and Supreme Court Justice

The story of the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States.

Sandra Day O’Connor Being Sworn in a Supreme Court Justice

Photograph of Sandra Day O’Connor Being Sworn in a Supreme Court Justice by Chief Justice Warren Burger, Her Husband John O’Connor Looks On, September 25, 1981. Reagan White House Photographs, White House Photographic Collection/National Archives.

Sandra Day O’Connor and President Ronald Reagan

President Ronald Reagan and His Supreme Court Justice Nominee Sandra Day O’Connor at The White House, July 15, 1981. Reagan White House Photographs, White House Photographic Collection/National Archives.

The Four Justices, Nelson Shanks, 2012.

Nelson Shanks, The Four Justices, 2012. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; gift of Annette P. Cumming © Estate of Nelson Shanks.

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