
Higher Education and the Domestic Sciences

A document that outlines the differences between male and female education at coeducational land grant colleges like the Agricultural College of Utah.

The first of a two-paged excerpt from the Agricultural College of Utah coursebook that outlines classes for young women studying Domestic Arts.
Document, page 1 of 2

Agricultural College of Utah, Excerpt from The Organization and Course of Instruction of The Agricultural College of Utah. 1890-91. Logan, Utah.

The second of a two-paged excerpt from the Agricultural College of Utah coursebook that outlines classes for young women studying Domestic Arts.

Document, page 2 of 2

Agricultural College of Utah, Excerpt from The Organization and Course of Instruction of The Agricultural College of Utah. 1890-91. Logan, Utah.

Document Text


Except in the hours devoted to shop, farm or horticultural work, the course for young women will be the same as for young men in the four years’ course of agriculture. There will be some fifteen terms of one lesson daily, wherein the course for young women will not run parallel with that of the young men. This time will be devoted to special work adapted to their sphere of life. Co-education is now very widely recognized in the higher as it has been in the lower schools. No adequate reason can be assigned for denying women a share in the benefits of this public bequest. Once admitted into the institution, their right to special consideration in making up the course of instruction is as clear as that of young men. For this reason, if for no other, special attention will be given to those branches of information in which young women require technical proficiency, and to those studies that tend to adorn life in the sphere in which they most move. The Course in Agriculture is for men. The Course in Domestic Arts is for women. The two courses will be the same, with a few exceptions. The classes unique to the Course in Domestic Arts teach knowledge and skills specific to women. Women should not be denied access to higher education and they will be treated the same as men at the school. For this reason, this curriculum will focus on subjects that are particularly important for women to understand.
SPECIAL STUDIES FOR YOUNG WOMEN. The following is a list of the classes that are unique to the Course in Domestic Arts.
Cooking.—The chemistry, or science, and the art of cooking will be taught. Exercises in cooking in application of school room teachings will be a regular feature of the work. Not only will the students be required to cook, but to arrange the table for guests and to preside over it. Students will study cooking, how to set the table, and how to host guests.
Cutting and Sewing.—Cutting and sewing will also receive special attention. The value of this art in householding is too apparent to need commenting upon. Students will study cutting and sewing. Sewing is an obvious skill for housekeepers.
Dairying.—Butter and cheese making is a fine art. Milk is one of the most complex and unstable compounds known in the whole range of farm life. In no other field of farm economy is the product so irregular and with results so unfortunate. The problems involved are very complex and interesting. Very decided attention will be given to this most important field of woman’s general care. Fortunately, the more exacting work of the dairy now falls to other hands. While this is true, the necessity of mastery by woman of the philosophy and art of butter making was never greater than now, wherever butter is made on the farm. Students will study how to make butter and cheese. Making things out of milk is particularly complicated but very important.
Hygiene.—A special course of lectures will be given to the young women of this department. Students will study hygiene.
Belles-lettres.—A special course of instruction will be given the young women in what is known as polite literature, including elocution. Students will study literature and public speaking.
Music and Painting.—A competent instructor in Music and Painting will be employed, giving the opportunity to acquire these graces free of charge. They will not be compulsory studies, but will be encouraged for those who have the taste and talent for their acquisition. Other provisions will be made for those not desiring to devote their time to them. Students will have the option to take courses in music and painting. These optional courses are free. Students who do not take music or painting will study other subjects.
French.—French will be taught the young women instead of the German of the regular Course in Agriculture. German has been placed in the Course in Agriculture, as Germany is the home of Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. The German language is richer in agricultural literature than that of any other language, hence it is placed in the Course in Agriculture. Students will study French. Male students in the Course in Agriculture will study German.
Horticulture.—Horticulture has a fascination for all classes of our population. Man has an intuitive or inherent love of nature. Her living forms everywhere claim the admiration and almost the affection of every cultivated or refined man or woman. Horticultural and household plants are varied; are very plastic in our hands, and are either beautiful or useful. In either case they minister to our pleasures.